• 详细信息

    FT-500Series of powder and particle moisture tester
    1. 适用于检测粉末和颗粒物料的含水量,采用全自动测量模式及多种测量模式并存,多功能机型,操作简便,适用于科研院所及大中专院校,实验室、质量检测机构,企业质量部门。满足各行业及国家、国际标准化设计.
    The machine is suitable for testing water content of powder and granular materials, Using automatic mode and a variety of measurement model coexist, Multi-functional machine, Easy operation, Suitable for scientific research institutes and colleges, laboratories, quality inspection agencies, Corporate quality department.Meet various industries and national and international standardization design.
    二、和技术规格Models and technical specifications
    产品型号   Model  FT-500B FT-500A FT-500
    *大称量  Range(g) 110 110 110
    读数精度   Reading accuracy (g)    0.005    0.002 0.001
    使用温度  Operating Temp.Range             5°C---35°C
    显示屏  Display 液晶      LCD
    校准方式  Calibration 外部校准  External calibration
    秤盘尺寸  Pan size(mm                 Φ90
    外观尺寸 Dimensions(W*L*H) 200*180*380
    产品重量  Weight(Kg) 5.
    加热方式  Heat soure 卤素灯Halogen lamp
    温度感应器 Temp.sensor               PT-100
    温度范围 Temp.range              40°C---199°C
    温度间隔       Temp.step               1°C
    水分范围  Moisture range              0.00%---100%
    水分可读精度 Moisture readable ccuracy               0.01%
    干燥剩余范围   Dry residual range                       100.00%---0.00%
    干燥剩余可读   Dry residual readability                       0.01%
    ATRO                       100%---999%  
    ATRO                        0%---999%
    温度设定       Temperature setting             40°C---199°Cby1°Cstep
    时间设定       Time  setting             1---99min  by  1s    step
    自动停止       Auto stop             0.1%---9.9%within  1 min
    储存历史       Number of storage                       15
    加热部分       Heater             220V+15%50Hz
    连接部分        Connection part R232接口/ interface
    天平部分       Balance       External  power supply
          Output: 9V
          Input:  220V+15%50Hz
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